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Leasing Heftrucks

B-CLOSE nv is de grootste onafhankelijke Belgische onderneming actief in de verdeling en het onderhoud van A-merkheftrucks.

Leasing heftrucks – B-Close

Leasing heftrucks ontsluit een universum van mogelijkheden voor bedrijven die streven naar efficiëntie en flexibiliteit in hun logistieke operaties.

Deze financiële constructie is een slimme zet voor ondernemers die hun kapitaal willen behouden en tegelijkertijd hun vloot willen moderniseren of uitbreiden. Maar wat maakt het concept van een heftruck leasen zo aantrekkelijk?

Stel je voor: je hebt de kracht om je magazijn of distributiecentrum uit te rusten met de nieuwste heftrucktechnologieën zonder de volledige aankoopprijs vooraf te betalen. Dit is geen tovenarij, maar de kern van leasing. Door maandelijks een vast bedrag te betalen, krijg je toegang tot top-of-the-line machines die je operationele capaciteit verhogen zonder j.

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tags: Goederenbehandeling – Heftrucks – Intern Transport – Leasing Heftrucks – Magazijntrucks – 

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Table of Contents:

I. Introduction
II. What is Leasing Heftrucks?
III. Why Should You Consider Leasing Heftrucks?
IV. The Benefits of Leasing Heftrucks
V. How Can You Lease Heftrucks?
VI. Conclusion

“Leasing Leasing Heftrucks”


If you own a business that requires heavy lifting and transportation of goods, then you know the importance of having reliable forklifts or “heftrucks” as they are known in Dutch. However, purchasing a forklift can be a significant financial burden for small to medium-sized businesses. In such cases, leasing heftrucks may be an excellent option. In this article, we will explore what leasing heftrucks means and why it might be a beneficial choice for your business.

What is Leasing Heftrucks?

Leasing heftrucks is a form of equipment financing where a forklift is rented for a set period instead of being purchased outright. This agreement involves the lessee (the person leasing the forklift) paying regular fixed payments to the lessor (the owner or financier of the forklift) for the use of the equipment. At the end of the lease term, the lessee has the option to purchase the forklift, return it, or renew the lease.

Why Should You Consider Leasing Heftrucks?

Leasing heftrucks has several advantages over purchasing them. First and foremost, it allows you to conserve your financial resources. Instead of making a large down payment and paying for the forklift´s maintenance costs, you simply pay a fixed monthly amount. This not only frees up capital for other business expenses but also helps with budgeting and forecasting. Furthermore, leasing also provides tax benefits, as the lease payments can be considered as operating expenses and deducted from your taxable income.

The Benefits of Leasing Heftrucks:

Besides the obvious financial advantages, leasing heftrucks also offers many other benefits. One such benefit is the flexibility it provides. Leases can be tailored to meet your specific needs, whether it´s the length of the lease, type of forklift, or payment structure. Additionally, since the lessor is responsible for maintaining the forklift, you do not have to worry about unexpected repair costs.

Leasing also allows you to keep up with technological advancements. As forklift models are constantly evolving, leasing gives you the option to upgrade to newer and more efficient models at the end of your lease term.

How Can You Lease Heftrucks?

To lease heftrucks, you can either approach a forklift dealer or a financing company. While forklift dealers offer competitive lease rates, they may have limited options when it comes to forklift models. On the other hand, financing companies provide more flexibility in terms of lease agreements and forklift models. It is essential to compare different options and choose the one that best suits your business needs.


In conclusion, leasing heftrucks is a wise decision that can greatly benefit businesses of all sizes. Not only does it save you money, but it also provides flexibility and reduces the burden of maintenance. If you are in need of reliable forklifts for your business, consider leasing heftrucks and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer. Visit for more information on how you can lease heftrucks for your business.

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Leasing heftrucks
